WHO -got it wrong- HOW and WHY ?

Angela Heavey
4 min readApr 3, 2021

On the increasing Evidences becoming available now -Organisations, Officialdoms and Key Individuals-
were on sure and long Notice of the certainty of the small global village being entirely vulnerable to a new infective entity with just this kind of vast bad potential -
YET, such particular Orders with precisely that high level Responsibility -have let HUMANITY down ,to a criminally negligent degree, -most evidently so .
How so many countries GOT IT WRONG is challenging to fathom -unless — this criminal neglect was NOT just mistaken and reckless but deliberate .and mortally sinful .

This gross wrongdoing being perpetrated by omission and bad possibly greedy self interested action and non -action ,being criminally perpetrated on the small globe -with clear knowledge and full consent to a sure potential and real impending lasting danger and damages to the non -essential other .
What Roman Catholicism would name as multiple egregious mortal sin -in that theological categorisation of human evil and wrongdoings to self and others — all others being our good neighbours ,to whom we ought extend only Love and the diligent DUTY to CARE and be Trust worthy -as to the self and own family .

Yet -when successful scientists such as the UKs’ Nobel prize winning Sir Psul Nurse and the high earning Irish Professor O ‘Neill present themselves on world media , -unlike the chief lady medical officer for New York ,who publicly weeps with remorse and regret at her Mis-take -these types of individuals, are up beat and appear oblivious to the massive damage that their OWN part in the lack of scientific foresight and insight (around essential and predictable need for proactive readiness and containment)- have caused to humanity ,as a whole here .

This kind of professional failure by omission and wrong action -despite years of sure notice of just this happening -is surely evil and unconscionable -but these kinds of academics and scientists seem curiously oblivious to the actual profound degree to which their kinds of Disciplines and highly paid Health -related Organisations -have massively failed humanity as a whole ,around -this long signally to occur ,viral -related ,could have been contained matter -now presenting as health emergency and disaster .

Surely ,the WHO has drastically failed in its core duty here together with Official Orders such as The EUROPEAN CENTRE for Disease CONTROL , the UNITED NATIONS ,together with many bad unmentionably others -of like breach of duty in due diligence and trust -working towards world health ,safety and security ,in a small digitised highly connected global village .
The in -depth research needed to seek to explain and hold to account -for the purposes of due process and justice is urgent and important NOW .
The excellent investigative journalistic initiatives of the UK’s PANORAMA broadcasts are in fact -LEADING the small planet in seeking accountability with justice here ,for purposes of future civilising learning -as we who survive go forward .

Some wonderful countries such as Israel ,SOUTH KOREA , New Zealand , Australia and Taiwan GOT THIS RIGHT !!!
Alas !!,, IRELAND GOT THIS WRONG — and we must Discover WHY and precisely WHO and HOW/WHEN -so as to hold those RESPONSIBLe to ACCOUNT and in order to LEARN the harse lessons of this bad experience -for the benefit of history and each of our futures — should we -indeed -GET THROUGH ThIS .
Many with responsibility, having grossly neglected the CORE FiRST PRICiPLES of Being Vigilant around globalised digitised tracing ,.early spotting and swift prevention through containment ,at any new infection nascent TIME and LOCATION .

- The Common , SENSIBLE stitch in time first PRICiPLES of Infection CONTAINMENT /CONROL management -IS infinitely preferable to — the questionably valid HERD IMMUNITY principle and THE DARWINIAN so called Science -which dominated the global MIS-TAKE and prevailing Ignorance rampaging at its worst at present -
Many with that local and global duty -having facilitated vast pandemic expression of what could and should have been a duly contained small new infection incident -on sure notice of impending certain occurrence for years .
At worst now — let us learn from the mistakes here , and the sooner the better as Corona 21and 22 onwards are threatening and further of such and different too -in other threatening forms (-whether nuclear. , chemical ,or from cyber-sabotage )-are pending as a matter of not probability but of similar certainty to what has been got wrong here .

Unless , of course we learn the collective lessons of due diligence and trust -worthiness from just this context —
Here is hoping — we might -in order to arrive forward in a more enlightened global inclusive village from EASTER SEASON of Light 2021 .
Thats the prayer for the small essentially vulnerable human species towards just GETTING IT -RIGHT -from NOW-
Amen .

Your own Evidence -based views on the above are welcomed.
A/Hv .
Irish -Medico -legal specialist .

